Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chest Pain - Cardiologist

Yesterday I was having chest pains, and my left arm was also in pain. I talked to Cindy and she asked me to see a doctor. I made an appointment with a cardiologist who is a friend of Jose Antonio's wife. I saw him at around 6:30 PM. He did several tests and I was ok.

  • I am currently reading a book on important math c0ncepts.
  • Cindy is doing much better. The other day she had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and felt a little pain.
  • Cindy's rash (caused by Cortizone) seems to be disappearing.
  • Luis set me up to see how the houses at the Polo Club are selling.
  • Yesterday I called too late to talk to the sweetie pies.
  • I had lunch at Sanborn's while we discussed if I should see a doctor. A called came from Cindy while I was having lunch.
  • Just to mention that last weekend I landed early from Pittsburg, and I waited for the girls to come back from their grandparents.
  • We went to have dinner at Whataburger, and took them for an ice cream. We used a coupon that Gaby had won to pay a whataburger.
  • I then went to the condo, and as soon as I arrived I fell asleep. I had a good night sleep and therefore had no problem is driving to SAT to grab an 11:00 AM flight to Mexico.
  • Mexico already changed back the hour and there is a 1 hour difference with Texas. They are behind.
  • A lot of worries about the stock market. I am down about 27%

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